Page Manager

Pongrass Display Ad Booking is a browser-based solution compatible with standard desktop and mobile browsers, catering to both print and digital bookings. Just like all other Pongrass applications, our single-database solution ensures seamless integration between booking, page planning, ad tracking, and editorial CMS functions. This unparalleled offering delivers unmatched convenience for our users. All Pongrass applications, including our extensions, are developed in-house, ensuring a true single-vendor solution.



Pongrass Page Manager, seamlessly integrates with Pongrass Advertising database providing real-time updates. This integration empowers your production, editorial, and accounts departments with instant access to ad positions. With Pongrass Page Manager, Production, Editorial, and Accounting systems sharing the same ad-database, you achieve unparalleled integration and efficiency.


Ease of use

Page Manager offers effortless ad repositioning through simple click-and-drag functionality. It provides a helpful warning when a colour ad is moved to a conflicting page. Additionally, operators can generate reports on ad depth and section revenue. Incorporating late ads is a breeze with the Incremental Auto dummy feature. With just one click, Page Manager enables top or bottom alignment of ads with any other ad on the page.


Comprehensive Zoning

Allows seamless management of zone ads, enabling dummying, un-dummying, and movement while adhering to correct zone placements. Warnings are triggered for incorrect placements, with the option to override. Auto dummy exclusively applies to zone ads on their designated zone pages.


zone ads on their designated zone pages. Editorial Support

Page Manager exports directly into the Pongrass Editorial System. Ads then automatically appear on the page, as completed ads or as dummies as the case may be, in real time. Export to InDesign is also available.


Late Changes

Late ads and edition resizing are easy. Now you can perform a trial dummy well in advance of publication date with ease.


Rolling Dummy

Interaction between Ad Booking and Page Manager is possible through the common database. Ads can be booked direct to a position with 100% certainty, and the page dummy can be built up progressively through the billing cycle.

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