When you visit our site we collect information with the use of:


Personalise your visit to our website (as a cookie allows a web server to ‘remember’ visitors on subsequent visits without having to prompt them for information previously supplied. A cookie can also remember pages previously viewed by a site visitor)

  • Provide information about Pongrass to you while you browse
  • Obtain non-identifying information about your demographic group and general interests.

Google Analytics

Pongrass also uses Google Analytics, which predicts your age range and general interests by analysing the websites you visit. Pongrass will use this information to further understand its audience. No personally-identifying information is collected.

User-supplied information

Pongrass will use information supplied to us by you on our “Contact Us” page, to send information requested by you. This information will not be passed on to any third party.

Contact us now to learn more about pongrass